Book: Media
The Financial Diaries:
How American Families Cope in a World of Uncertainty
by Jonathan Morduch and Rachel Schneider
Publisher's Weekly: Book of the Week
CBS Moneywatch: The United States of Insecurity
TIME Money: These 3 Charts Show Why Middle Class Workers Are Struggling to Get Ahead Today
NYU: The Plight of the Sometimes Poor
Times Higher Education: Book Review
Wall Street Journal: Fintech Apps Bring Stability to Stressed Families
American Banker: When there's too much month at the end of the money / Nonwealthy consumers need financial innovation, too
Houston Chronicle: Why some families who save constantly are still trying to make ends meet
Baltimore Sun: Despite high fees, check cashers seen as part of community, customers say
Next Avenue: How U.S. Families Cope With Financial Insecurity
PBS Making Sen$e: Why do so many American families feel so financially insecure? / Why Americans aren’t good at rebounding from financial emergencies — and how you can get better
Houston Chronicle: Why some families who save constantly are still trying to make ends meet
Truthdig: Book Review
Omidayar Network: Why We Invested
CBS MoneyWatch: 5 signs you're no longer middle class
Reading the Markets: Book Review
Yahoo! Finance: Why Even Full-Time Workers Struggle with Expenses Book Review
Next City: Financial Diaries Show Stability Matters as Much as Mobility
Bob Sullivan: Don’t know how much money is coming in next month? That’s the (new) American way – it’s called ‘precarity’
Bob Sullivan: Your Financial Diaries: ‘There’s always something’ — no such thing as a typical month for the family budget
Seeking Alpha: Book Review
Brown Alumni Magazine: Book Review
Spark: Book Review
Christian Science Monitor: Worker anxiety at 4.4 percent unemployment? It's about hidden volatility Fintech and Digital Wallets are the Core of Financial Inclusion
Daily Beast: Why So Much Financial Advice is Useless
CEB Blog: Companies Focusing More and More on Employees’ Financial Health Americans are worrying about financial security even when they have jobs
Stanford Social Innovation Review: Book Review
LSE Review of Books: Book Review
Nonprofit Quarterly: Consumer Debt Hits All-Time High
Boston Globe: It's not just the money, it's the instability
Next Billion: Lessons Learned Using Mobile Tools to Compile Financial Data Diary
CNN Money: What Trump Doesn't Understand about the Poor
City Lab: The Shadow Banks of the Barrio
LA Review of Books: Book Review
ValueWalk: Paradigm Shift - Employment Rebound Led by Low Quality Jobs
Decision Fish: Prescriptions for Precarity
n>genuity: Faster Payments, More Control
Austin American Statesman: Bestseller List
Dan Schulman, PayPal: Facebook Q&A
CNN Money: Half of Americans are spending their entire paycheck (or more)
CFSI, Medium: Excerpt
For review copies, press inquiries, or speaking engagements, please contact Jessica Krakoski at or 512-904-9253.